Call for Papers : International Occupactional Health Summit

Submit your abstract

With the Call for Papers now open, Occupational Health & Industrial Hygiene professionals have the opportunity to submit abstracts before 6th December 2023 to be considered for the IOHS 2024 Technical Sessions. Papers relevant to the following themes are requested.


Current Updates on Occupational Health & Medicine

Women Health in Workplace

Medical Emergency Preparedness and Response in Workplace

Burden of Occupational Injuries, Illnesses and Fatalities

Industrial Hygiene Exposure Assessment & Monitoring

Fatigue Management in Workplace

Occupational Health Hazards Exposure Controls Best Practice

Mental Health in the Workplace

Fitness to Work & Health Surveillance Best Practices

Workers Welfare & Wellbeing

Industrial Toxicology

Occupational Health & Industrial Hygiene for Small & Medium Enterprises

Non-Communicable Diseases in the Workplace

Career and Training in Occupational Health & Industrial Hygiene

Insurance and Compensation Regulations for Occupational Illnesses and Injuries

Innovation & Technology in Occupational Health & Industrial Hygiene

Role of Epidemiology in Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene

Ergonomics at Workplace



All submitted technical abstracts will be reviewed by the IOHS 2024 Technical Committee. Early submission is important to ensure the Committee members have ample time to review the abstracts. Authors are strongly encouraged to submit their abstracts online at: before Wednesday, 6th December 2023.


Abstracts should include up to 250 words and be written in English. Any entry submitted in a different language will not be considered.

You are welcome to include additional information, such as illustrations, graphs, or tables, as attachments.

Please do not submit the same abstract more than once. If you believe your abstract is relevant to multiple sessions, please select one that is the best fit.

One person can submit multiple abstracts within the same category or across multiple categories. However.

Prior to abstract submissions – management clearance must be obtained. Any issues concerning clearance should be outlined when the abstract is submitted.

If you have presented this abstract previously, you can still submit but you will need to provide details of when and where it was presented before and look to include updated material from the original presentation.

Disclosure of conflict of interest


Your abstract should contain adequate information for review by the Technical Committee including:

Abstract title: Mention title or Topic of your abstract which shall be relevant to the provided theme of the session you are submitting the abstract for.

Description: Summarize your abstract in 200 – 250 words.

Conclusions: Summarize the major conclusions to be presented, state specific conclusions of the work and how these differ from previous work on the same subject.

Technical/Practical contributions: Describe the significance of the subject matter in the abstract by listing technical/Practical contributions or additions to the technical knowledge relevant to the OH & IH.


Your abstracts will be evaluated by the Technical Committee members according to the following criteria:

Quality: the quality of the technical information provided.

Effect: what industry or organisational impact does your work have? Please include relevant results and/ or case studies.

Innovation: your abstracts should demonstrate innovation and originality, and contain significant new knowledge, or experience.

Industry relevance: how relevant are your submissions to cross industry?


Your abstract should not use language that is commercial in tone in the title, text or attachments. The use of such terms will result in scrutiny by the Technical Committee and may result in exclusion from the evaluation process.


You will be informed after 6th December 2023 if your abstract has been accepted. All authors who submitted their abstracts will receive an email stating if their abstracts have been accepted or not.

Authors of accepted abstracts will be required to prepare PowerPoint presentations, detailed instructions on the preparation will be sent to all authors once acceptance to speak has been received.

All the presenters will receive complimentary access to all three days of the conference & Exhibition. However, any co-authors are required to purchase a delegate pass if they would like to attend.

The organizer assumes no obligation for expenses by authors for travel and accommodation to attend and speak at the conference.

Selected Authors shall submit their presentation slides not later than 31st December 2023.

Abstract Submission Deadline : Wednesday, 6th December 2023

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For All Enquiries

E-mail:, Mobile: +968 9287 6076